Drunk Black History is an unscripted American comedy series created by and starring Tré Melvin, based on the Comedy Central television series created by Derek Waters. In each episode, an inebriated Melvin recounts an event from the civil rights movement.

Streaming exclusively on Patreon.


Episode 1: Rosa Parks

Tré drunkenly describes civil rights activist Rosa Parks, best known for her pivotal role in the Montgomery bus boycott.

Episode 2: Little Rock Nine

Tré drunkenly describes the Little Rock Nine, nine black students involved in the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School.

Episode 3: Greensboro Lunch Counter

Tré drunkenly describes the Greensboro sit-ins, a series of nonviolent protests sparked by four young black students.

Episode 4: Tulsa Race Riot

Tré drunkenly describes the Tulsa Race Riot, a two-day-long massacre of Black residents in a prominent Oklahoma neighborhood.

Episode 5: Greensboro Lunch Counter

Tré drunkenly describes the Freedom Rides, a series of political protests against interstate bus segregation by blacks and whites who rode buses together through the American South in 1961.